1)     ‘Archiving’ a Grid

The version 4.0 ICM-CAG grid list includes every grid ever created by the user.  This can be cumbersome after a number of grids has been created that fills up the grid list and requires users to scroll down. Version 3 provides the option for a user (case manager or trainer) to move old grids from their grid list to another storage area to ‘clean’ up their grid list. The new archive function can do the following:

a)      Any grid that has been saved AND LOCKED can be archived. When a user checks the ‘Assessment Complete [Locked]’ button on the bottom left of an active grid, he grid can be copied for editing on a future assessment, AND archived if the grid is complete.

b)      Completed Grids now show the archive option on the grid list next to the assessment AND there is a new link above the grid list to ‘Show Archived’.

c)      If a user clicks the ‘Archive’ link on the row of an assessment grid it will disappear and appear on the new Archive List. To see the Archive list, click the ‘Show Archived’ link on the main grid list.  This displays the Archive list and changes the ‘Show Archived’ to ‘Hide Archived’ which indicates that you are on the Archived list.


Using the Archive List

From the archived grid list you can copy the completed archived grid to the active grid list if you want to use it for a subsequent assessment for the same patient. And you can also just return to the active grid list by clicking the ‘Hide Archived’ link.

You can always see that you are on the Archive list as every grid there will have only the ‘Copy’ option.