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Using the Grid History Page
The Grid History page is the home page for CMSA hosted users and displays all the grids that have been created by CMSA approved CAG users.
Version 4.0 of the ICM-CAG improved the Grid History. The grid has new columns and sortable columns as well as other helpful features.
- The column on the left (with no header/title) indicates if the grid can still be edited (Edit) of if has been completed and can be copied (Copy). NOTE: in version 4.0 the clinical content was upgraded to the 2018 Gold Standard Adult Grid. When a user copies a previous version of the grid the new copy will now display in the new grid version. The new grid copy will automatically carry over any actions and goals that still exist in the new version including the new improved action/goal text. It will drop actions/goals that are not used in the new version and add those that did not exist in the prior version.
- The Assessment Date column can be sorted by clicking on the up or down arrow on the right-hand side
- The Patient column can be sorted
- The Patient ID column can be sorted
- The Grid Type cannot be sorted, this shows the Name or version of the Grid used. This indicates which patients were on which version of the grid. This will also display Pediatric grids when they are made available.
- Score column can be sorted
- Completed column can be sorted this column has a Yes if the grid has been completed and then made available to copy
Above the Grid History table is a pull down so users can set the number of grids that will display at one time (10,25,50,100) if fewer grids are displayed the user may use the Previous/Next arrows at the bottom to show previous pages of the Grid history.
Below the Grid History table is an indicator of which grids are being displayed based on the page. 'Showing 1 to 10 of 20 entries' would indicate that the user has the grid page size set at 10 and the first 10 grids are displaying out of 20 possible grids.
The Search box in the upper right corner will allow users to enter any set of letters or numbers and a smaller grid table will display of all the grids where those letters or numbers have been matched in any of the grid columns.
For information on the Archive function please refer to the Help on Archiving a Grid in this help area.