ICM-CAG General Information:

You are using the 2019 ICM CAG Adult and Pediatric complexity assessment grid version 4.0   (installed 1/1/19)

If you need software support, have questions, or feedback you can contact CMSA Client Services via email at cmsa@cmsa.org

The ICM-CAG, copyright by CMSA,  is based upon the adult (IM-CAG) and pediatric (PIM-CAG) complexity assessment applications created by the  INTERMED foundation in Europe,(de Jonge, Hoogervorst, Huyse, & Polman, 2004; de Jonge, Huyse, Stiefel,Slaets, & Gans, 2001; F. J. Huyse, de Jonge, Lyons, Stiefel, & Slaets, 1999; F. J.Huyse, Lyons et al., 1999; Latour, Huyse, de Vos, & Stalman, 2007; Stiefel et al., 1999;Stiefel et al., 2006).

The ICM-CAG and PIM-CAG were updated in 2018 to better meet the needs of case managers working with at risk populations to develop comprehensive care plans based on risk.  The updates coincide with the publication of CMSA’s new ICM manual and software revision in 2018.

CMSA’s Integrated Case Management: A Manual for Case Managers By Case Managers

Copyright 2018, Springer Publishing Company, LLC
11 West 42nd Street
New York, NY 10036
ISBN: 978-0-8261-6941-9